Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Gotta love Rants from Mommyland

I don't really have anything creative to say so I am going to comment on another blog post I read today. Before reading more please click

Ok, so I think that most of us have a little bit of most of these mommies. Maybe not a bit of every one, but most. I know I do. And when I think about my friends I am sure they do as well. I can tell you for sure I do not have one bit of #5 or #8 in me.

So, I started thinking, which one am I? And I then started thinking I would write a blog about it and ask all of you. THEN it hit me, I am #11. No, don't go back to see what you missed, there is no #11. So I am making her up.

BassPro Mom

This mom is always fishing. She wants to know if her cookies taste good, but not just good, are they the best? If not who's are? Does everyone like my new haircut? What color does everyone else think I should get my hair colored? Do you think my kids are the funniest kids at this playdate because I do!!! You get my point? She craves validation so she fishes for it.

Once I realized this I started to feel a little bad about it. So, please, DO NOT comment on which mother you think I am here. But I would LOVE to hear which mother you think YOU are.


Sara said...

You're too funny - love "bass pro mom" great tag! You know I'm parts 9 & 10 all the way, made me a little sad this morning actually cause I'm feeling like an ass the last couple of days for being down, bleck. You blog makes me smile, thanks sweetie! ;)

Anonymous said...

I definitely have no 5 or 8! Those women scare me! I think I have a little bit of all those moms in me somewhere- fortunately none are my everyday self.

If I have to pick a negative quality, I would say I'm the insecure hermit mom. I rarely go anywhere other than to run my errands. I stay home all day, everyday. I don't go to lunches, book club, Bunco, church activities, etc. I lack the self-esteem to participate. I'd rather stay under the radar.

Lauri said...

I don't think you are number 10 and we are all number 9 from time to time. I think we need a new category for you though. Maybe the Not-a-Mom Mom. The one who is cooler than all the other moms and who makes us all feel too grown up. And who has those kids who teach the other kids how to swear! LOL
You know I love you, Sara!

Lauri said...

Ok, Natalie, you are the Hermit Crab. BUT, you make some great goodie plates!

Kate M. said...


THANK YOU so so much for talking about our little blog on your page!
I think -- with the exception of Perfect Mommy and the Ruthless Leader -- sometimes can dip into all the other Mom Categories... mostly because I like to think I'm not a #10 ALL THE TIME...even though I sorta am ;-) but I LOVE your Bass Pro Mom and I am totally adding it to our list. Can I use your name and link to you???
xoxo Kate