Monday, February 15, 2010

The reason all this insanity does not put me over the edge.

Most of you have heard all about how absolutely hilarious, and probably a bit unbalanced, my 5 year old is. I have bits and pieces that I toss out on facebook once in awhile. What I don't think you understand is that the ones I post are just the few I remember or that really stand out. On an average she tosses out at least 5 or 6 of these gems each day. I have decided that it is too unfair to keep them to myself. I am going to give a few today that I can remember and sprinkle in some of the better photos of my little diva along the way.

You might want to read this over the course of a few days. Sometimes Diva can be too much to take.

 This is my most favoritest picture of all time! (Rest assured these were clean panties.) 
She was 14 months old and only had her legs in when I decided to help her out a bit. 
(Keep in mind this was pre-Borat, he stole this bit from her.)

Today I was blessed with 3 gems from my little angel. 

1. Imagine you are driving. The kids are in the back seat. They are actually being quiet. (I know, but this really is a true story.) Then Diva perks up, very matter of fact and for no reason at all, and says to her 7 year old sister, "Sissy, if I had a little sister I would not yell at her." Amazingly this was met by silence on Sissy's part. 

2. Not long after this incidence I received a phone call from their father. He told me that on Saturday while Sissy was at a birthday party he took Diva to Walmart with him. While he was getting razors she loudly announced to him, "Daddy, you need that hair color for men. You have a lot of gray hairs and I can see them. I don't like them, they make you look old." (I got a HUGE laugh out of this one.)

3. On the way home in this same ride, this little piece of knowledge was thrown at me. (Try to keep up, sometimes its not easy.)
"If there was a zombie (later she said she meant mummy) and he was made of dirt with red glowing eyes and hot lava rocks hit him he would fall apart...the hot lava rocks hit first then the hot lava comes out of them....volcanoes are really old, they lived before we did...sometimes animals run away when a volcano happens, but some don't....some monkeys get stuck in the trees.....when they get unstuck they ride alligators to safety, alligators or crocodiles, but only friendly ones..." (I did have to leave a lot of mumbling and other mumbo jumbo out that I could not remember.)

Because of the diaper I will guess she was 2 1/2 here. She had just eaten a firecracker popsicle
and was showing off her blue 'monster' mouth.

Last week we had are biggest and most obnoxious experience with the Diva's incredible mind. She had asked to wear a certain outfit to school Friday. It was a skirt and a very summery top. Aside from the fact that they did not match and that I had a Valentine's shirt for her to wear, it was also entirely too cold for this outfit. 

That afternoon I received a call from her babysitter that went like this:
Babysitter: "Why on earth  did you send Diva to school with a skirt and no tights!!!"
Me: "I sent her to school in jeans."
B: "Oh, that's what Sissy said."
M: "Is it a red skirt with white hearts?"
B: "White stars."

The rest you don't need to know, but the jist is that she kept asking to put her jeans on all afternoon so she could play outside and she was told no. I told Babysitter to let her play in the skirt, when her legs freeze off she can wear a skirt any day she wants!

BUT WAIT! Here is the kicker. When I came to pick her up I was explaining to her why she was in trouble. She looked up at me, teary eyed, and said, "But I just forgotted to change my clothes before I came home."

Babysitter and I exchanged looks, completely speechless. This kid is smarter than I thought. I have no idea how I will survive her middle and high school years. 


Here she is, the way I like her best. She and her sister were 'pretnending' to sleep 
when I came home and she just passed out. I have at least half a dozen photos of her in strange places,
fast asleep. Perhaps one day I will base a whole post on just that. 


casey meiser said...

you should start a little notebook of these. that's what i did with colby when he was little, and will start one for devin.
i just used a cheap journal from the dollar store, and try and write them down as soon as they happen so nothing gets lost in the translation. sometimes with kids it's just one word that makes the whole sentence, ya know?

Lauri said...

I always mean to write them down, but forget. Most of the really good ones are hard to forget though.