Sunday, February 21, 2010

Moving On

Most of you have been with me over the last year and know all my ups and downs. I think I have done a reasonably good job moving on. Don't  you? The problem is, I guess I haven't.

Hernan came to take the girls hiking today. It is my weekend, but I have a lot of cleaning to do and thought it would be good for them. Why does that mean anything? Well, it must have something to do with the fact that he has decided to make his secret girlfriend public and introduce the girls to her.

Really, theoretically, this is fine. I have known about her for some time. He is really bad at keeping secrets. I am sure she is a nice person. The kids will probably like her. So, if I have moved on, why do I feel so so horrible? Is it because I am alone? Is it because I miss him? Is it because I feel threatened? I honestly don't know. I do feel confused and utterly miserable right now.

I am sorry to be such a downer today. I just had to get it off my chest somehow.

This is a photo of us all together, the last time we were happy. December 2008.

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