Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!

I sit here on my parents' computer trying my best not to throw it outside into the snow. It is not so much the internet connection as it is the age of, and amount of crap stored in, this computer. I cannot open any email messages!!! I can do a few things on Facebook, reading messages is not one of those things. I feel like I am stranded. Perhaps that is a sign that one of my resolutions should be to wean myself from technology, but alas, that may prove to be harder than keeping up a good diet and exercising more.

That brings me to the resolutions I DO plan on making. Well, not just yet, but we are getting there. This has been an exceptionally bad year for me. I separated from Hernan, though the divorce is not final until February 4, 2010. I filed bankruptcy. I have been on the outs with my father. And most recently, and apparently the last hardship of the year, was losing my Mema. Needless to say, I am ready to start a new year.

I am lucky that I can start fresh this year. No marriage, no debt, and a a new man who I know adores me, and about whom I feel the same. (Did I use that correctly? Who/Whom is one of the few grammatical rules I have issues with.) I feel confident that this year will be better than any before. The things I have survived have turned me into a better, or at least stronger, person.

So this year I am not going to resolve to eat better, exercise more, save money, or cure cancer. My resolutions are more realistic, though I can't say they will be easy all the time. There are two:

1. Pray more. I have let myself get out of the habit of prayer and when I do take the time I don't give myself over to God the way I should. I resolve that I will make the effort to pray more often and more meaningfully.

2. Appreciate the little things. I feel like this goes along with the first one. When I take the time to pray I will also take the time to inventory my life and appreciate those blessings God has given me. I will not take so much for granted. I will marvel in the miracle of everything around me.

I hope this doesn't sound like a load of bunk. I truly feel that these are not just the things missing in my life now, but missing in most people's lives. Even if you do not believe in God, you can take the time to appreciate your life and take pleasure in what you have.

Happy New Year, everyone!!


Jen said...

I hope this is a fabulous year for you!

Anonymous said...

If everyone made those resolutions, so many things would work themselves out. :)

(The rule to who/whom is the m. If you can substitute the pronoun "him" in your sentence, then use whom. Now you know!)