Sunday, December 20, 2009

More Confessions and the True Meaning of Christmas

Most of you know that I have been struggling financially lately. I try not to mention it too much, except to people who need to know specifics, but things are really dire. I have been unsure how I would even have a Christmas for the kids this year, but was determined to make it somehow.

The confession? I didn't have to. My friends and family have stepped in and made this a wonderful Christmas for us all. And there is where the true meaning of Christmas comes in.

I won't name names, but a very close friend asked to adopt my family this year. At first I was really unsure. I felt like a heel accepting handouts like that, but I was convinced, for the sake of my kids who really don't understand about Santa's financial situation, to accept. I have to tell you that the offer brought me to tears. This friend has always meant so much to me and this just showed me the extent of this persons love and kindness. I was able to provide the majority of their gifts this way, as shown:

(the largest gifts and two small ones were bought by my mother and grandmother)

And there are still 2 gifts from this person in the closet. On top of this I received 2 Toys R Us gift cards from an old friend. This was an even more unexpected surprise and allowed me to get each girl one gift that they both really really wanted. And my mother sent a box full of stocking stuffers (including some for me).

I hope this post does not make me sound like a mooch. I cannot really express the gratitude I feel to all these people. It has made this the most wonderful Christmas of my adult life and really impressed to me what Christmas is about.

For you Secret Santas: you will be in my heart forever and I will never be able to do enough to repay you, not just for the material items, but also for easing my mind and providing so much joy to this home.

I love you.


Brian said...

Merry Christmas, sweetheart.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet thing for them to do. That's Christmas for sure.

Sara said...

Awww, I think I'm going to cry now! That's so beautiful sweetie!!

Noah D. said...

This is SO great Lauri!!!! You are truly blessed. I have also been amazingly blessed this holiday season after it being our worst year ever financially. I am so thankful to my amazing family and friends. And I know that humbled feeling of not wanting to be a "mooch," but feeling so grateful for help. Merry Christmas!