Friday, December 18, 2009

Confessions of a Clutter Queen

Ok, it is probably not a surprise to ANY of you that I am the queen of clutter, but I feel the need to confess my sins today. I have been working on this issue for a while. The new apartment is small and there is not room for clutter. My best solution for this (and one that goes back years and years) is to stuff the clutter in my bedroom. So, for the most part the rest of the house is somewhat presentable.

Not so anymore. Over the last few weeks the clutter has built. I brought home all of my Christmas decorations. And after I put them up I realized that there are so many many that there is no place for here. So at this  moment the place is full of empty boxes and still boxed up decorations. It is my plan to get this all to the basement storage unit soon. In fact, I did finally manage to lug the HUGE Christmas tree box down there, but I keep forgetting to buy a lock for the unit and am not happy about putting things down there without one.

Then of course there is the dining room table. I know I am not the only one who does this. As the papers come home from school each day (and we are talking like 10 pages a day per child) they tend to just get stacked on the table. I am getting better about this one. I some boxes nearby for the kids' school work and I can usually sift through the rest each weekend. There is, unfortunately, always a small stack of papers that I plan to get to later. Usually later ends up being after something was due. Oops.

Now, we get to my biggest shame. The love seat. This is wear I fold laundry.

Unfortunately if I do not put it away immediately the cats, or the kids, knock it all over. In the last few weeks I have not even bothered. There are loads of clean clothes there now that I just keep digging through in the hopes of clean underwear. (I have to pay for laundry now so its amazing anything is even clean at all.)

And finally, what prompted this confessional:

I have received a few boxes this week with Christmas gifts. And tonight I went to buy the last few things I needed. This is what my entry way looks like at the moment. I have only been home this week to sleep so it has stacked up to the point that I am about to freak out. Luckily I have a child free weekend to dive in and clean up.

You should all start a poll about how much I will actually be able to get done!!


Sara said...

Awww, I'm so the same way - my bedroom is the very last room to get cleaned & everything random ends up there, hence it always looks like someone ransacked it - AND I'm a stay at home mom at the moment!

Lauri said...

It was the same when I stayed at home too. I think since I had two kids my bedroom has been clean about 3 times. And even then, it was because I stuck random things in boxes and put them in the corner!