Saturday, January 9, 2010


Ok, some of you know that I am prone to use a lot of text speak. I have been thinking about this lately. And I feel a little silly about it. I also feel guilty since some of these (OMG, LMAO, and WTF) have swears in them. *If you don't know what these mean, look them up, I am not telling.*

I want to let you know that when I use these, I really don't think about the actual words, they kind of take the place of the words and it really never bothered me that I used them so much. What got me thinking about this though is when I was at my grandmother's funeral. My mother printed out my blog post from Christmas Eve for the preacher to read at the funeral. She had to black out the OMG I wrote. I felt bad that I had embarrassed her like that.

In addition, I feel like LOL and BRB are crutches to most people. And maybe I should grow up and try to use real words. I type really fast, so why do I need these?

So, I hereby announce that I will try to wean myself from using these. Those of you who chat online with  me are free to call me on it when I use one. I invite you all to join me in this new practice of using the English language.

One note: I do NOT promise not to use then in texting, though, I will try to only use the ones without swear words (LOL, FTW, BRB, ROFL). I also do not vow to use proper capitalization or punctuation in chat or text. That is just too much to ask without my Blackberry that did it for me. And my emoticons? They are here to stay.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Thanks for favoriting my etsy store. I'm trying to find yours as well.