Sunday, March 7, 2010

Get thee behind me laziness!!!

Do you recall the photos of my horrible cluttery home? If not, please, take a look here.

I bring this back to you attention because now, its worse. Don't get me wrong. I DID have it really nice. When Christmas got here it was a lovely clean space with Christmas decorations all around. The kids even had a nice clean room. But since the New Year, perhaps since the death of my Mema, I have not had the drive to do a thing.

I have tried. Really I have. There have been moments when the kitchen was so spotless I wondered who it belonged to. There have been whole days where there were not stacks of papers all over my dining room table and we could actually eat on it. There was about two days where you could see my love seat. And a few hours when you could see my bedroom floor.

I am fairly good about keeping the bathroom clean and the floor vacuumed. And I clean the litter box regularly out of necessity. Honestly, I am not disgusting. There have been instances where I wanted to give up entirely on the bathroom sink, however. How hard is it for a kid to rinse toothpaste down the drain, really?

Sadly, though, I have boxes of ornaments in the dining room right now. I just haven't wrapped them up safely for storage yet. I finally got the tree in its box, which was not easy, let me tell you, but found I had no packing tape. And if I did, I don't know how to get it to the basement on my own. So that sits in the hall. I can never seem to catch up on laundry, even when I do have quarters, and the stuff that is clean, I just can't get into the closets.  You know, I have fantasies of my own washer and dryer. Oh, how I used to take it for granted.

So, why do I even bother to tell you this? Well, I hope that maybe you will feel better about your own cleaning prowess. And also, I hope that I will be embarrassed enough that I will now do something about it. Perhaps uncluttering my home will unclutter my life. I thank Brenda for this bit of insight. And over the next few months I will be preparing a move in location and life path. It's time to K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) and get on with things, already.

So, if you have any need for size 4 or 5 girls clothes let me know. If you need women's size 12 (why do I bother to keep them?) or 14 (I have too many nice things that I just never wear and take up too much space) or size 7 1/2 shoes let me know. They will need a good home.


Sara said...

I'll be rooting for you! Since I haven't been able to do really anything for two weeks now, my house is so bad I can't even think about it - I have started threatening to throw everything that is on the floor away as soon as I can walk again, I also sometimes get the feeling that my children are trying to break my other ankle too -- arrggggg! Much luck and lots of progress to you! I think there is definitely something to the whole unclutter your surroundings, helps unclutter your mind & spirit. I can use the girls clothes (4/5), just let me know how much you need for shippping!

Jen said...

It's so hard to keep a place uncluttered when you're there all the time. It is soooo much harder now that I'm home with the kids during the day--everything gets undone as soon as I do it! Good luck on all of it. I am in the process of doing a major purge of kids' clothes--and our Christmas decorations are still in the guest room!