Friday, April 23, 2010

I don't have time for this, but here it goes.

I just realized how long it has been since I posted and wanted to put SOMETHING here. The problem is that it is spring break. And not only are the kids home, their dad is in Puerto Rico on vacation. (He wouldn't tell me where he is but Lily gave it away. Yeah, you read that right, he wouldn't tell me. Like I was going to follow him there or something. Sheesh!)
So I am sitting on the couch in my pjs with the kids at 10:30 am. We have NOTHING to eat in the kitchen and just drank the last of our milk. The love seat is covered with clean laundry. The hall is full of dirty laundry (I keep forgetting to get quarters). The floor is covered with various toys, books and apparently trash. The litter box is close to being labeled a bio hazard, as are the bathrooms. I have not seen my bedroom floor in months and the kids' room...let's not go there. There is a huge box with a Christmas tree in the hallway. I cannot move it alone and since I live alone that is a problem. There are boxes of unorganized and not really packed Christmas decorations in the dining room. I have to put away winter and bring out summer clothes. And if I have to watch Barbie Mermaidia one more time I will totally lose it!!

So, you can see that I really do NOT need to spend any more time on this computer. Yet, it pulls me back every time. Today I WILL get groceries. I should probably do at least one load of laundry since the kids are down to one clean pair of panties and have been out of clean socks for a few days now. If I were a 'good' mom I would find a way to get ALL the laundry done, but then again if I was a 'good' mom none of the things in the last paragraph would be true.

And I am watching the kids now play Barbies...TOGETHER...and not fighting. (At the exact moment I typed that they started fighting over some gold lamee pants. Apparently they do not fit one of the dolls because her 'booty is too big.' On my honor, they do not learn this stuff from me.) And I am torn between disrupting this rarely seen activity so that we can get dressed and get moving OR just putting on another movie and chilling out. No, don't let me do that. I have 9 days until I have some friends over for a get together and this place needs to be presentable or you will see this on the news:

Ok, time to move it or lose it. Wish me luck. I need it. 

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