Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Healthcare Reformers and Docotormus Prime

Right now I wish I was really good at photo shop and could put up a Transformers picture where they are all in nursing caps and stethoscopes and Optimus Prime has a tie and a hand full of legal documents.  That might make my day better.

As it stands you just get to read today. No photos.

I currently am not offered group insurance through my employer. I am paying over $700 a month for coverage under COBRA after my divorce. I have been looking for an idividual plan that will cost me much less. Today I learned that this won't happen. Why? Because of a pre existing condition. Despite the fact that there has been no gap in my insurance coverage for my entire life, I hav been denied. What is the condition? Depression. Because I did the responsible thing and went into counseling instead of just relying on medication I have been denied. I have been informed that I cannot apply again until February 2011 because I must go one full year without counseling before I am clear to be covered.

Is this fair? Is this what you want for me? I work hard. I am a single mom. I am trying to make a better life. I have clinical depression, which is genetic. If I go off my medication I am not as good at my jobs, both at the library and as a mom. But what will I do now? I won't be able to afford the treatment I need. And God help me if I get really sick or am in an accident.

Yes, the bill has passed. But, the laws about pre existing conditions do not take effect until 2013. I guess we better all hope I am still alive by then since I won't be able to get any medical intervention in the meantime.
You may be asking why I can't get state insurance. Well, because my kids are not on it. They are covered by their dad. Adults cannot get Husky (the CT insurance plan) unless their kids are on it. I can stay on COBRA for 3 years, but at $700 a month that just won't happen. Right now work is paying for it, but as of July that is no more.
Maybe I will get lucky and another insurance company will accept me. But, at what cost? In case you can't tell, I am a bit stressed. This is doing wonders for my blood pressure. Uh oh, another pre existing condition. I am doomed!


Anonymous said...

I don't know what to say. It's not right or fair, and it makes no sense at all to deny you the help you need to fully function each day. I sincerely hope things will work out somehow.

PS, your gift of Kate and Lydia has made me pee my pants on more than one occasion. Thank you! I'm guessing you know them in real life? Tell them I love their guts!

Lauri said...

Nope, Nat, I don't know them! I soooo wish I did!!!! They are awesome!