Thursday, May 13, 2010

As you know, I am going back to school this Fall. The road there has been very bumpy lately and I will not bore you with the details of this trip. However, I will tell you that my initial plans have been blown to bits. Have you heard about all that money out there for single mothers to go back to school? LIES! So, instead of going to Quinnipiac full time and taking 20 credits in the Fall I am going to Gateway Community College, taking 4 credits this summer and 14 in the Fall. AND I will be working while I do it.

This last part is what scares me most. I had hoped I wouldn't have to and now that I do I wonder how to make enough money to support the kids and myself when I can really only work part time. Of course I CAN work full-time, at some really lousy paying job and never see my kids. I can't do that. No way. So I have come up with two plans.

First of all I have asked my boss about maybe, just maybe letting me stay on at 27 hours a week instead of 40. I would still lose money, but its really good pay and I could scrape by, maybe. I do not know what the outcome of this will be. I am not setting any hopes on it. Although it would be lovely to stay at a job I know and love the commute will be an hour. And it might be inconvenient for my boss and if it is I understand.

So, that brings me to plan B. I am wishy washy at best about plan B. It is something I had vowed I would never do again. It is something I am really good at, not that its anything to brag about.

That's right, waitressing. I have not done it in almost 10 years, but its like yesterday that I was schlepping around drink orders, refilling condiments, and rolling silverware. Oh, the silverware, that was the worst part. 

I know I can do it. I know the money is good. I know that the hours are flexible. 

But what I worry about is the energy it takes. Can I still do this? I am basically a waitress at home as it is. Do I really need to be one outside of the house too? And will I make enough money for it to really be worth my while? Plus, will it fit my schedule enough so that I still get to see the kids?

Well, this last part I have figured out. I hope. My school schedule combined with custody schedule and the kids' school schedule should allow me to work 3 lunch shifts and 2 dinner shifts during the week. That's not bad, even though dinner shifts pay better. The problem I have is that I am only willing to work every other weekend so that I can see the kids when they are staying with me and I wonder if that will deter people from hiring me. 

But, I guess all of this is pointless to analyse, right?  I mean, why do I torture myself. I should wait and see what my boss says and then worry about it.  

Who am I kidding? You know I can't do that!!! I worry. I plan. That's just me. So for now I am checking out New Haven area restaurants online and seeing where they have the more expensive menus. If I am going to do this then I am going to make some dough. Am I right? 
And I have it narrowed down to 4 places that I think are a good fit. Two are hiring and I sent an application in to one, Goodfellas Cafe. It looks really nice and they even get celebrities in once in a while. 

So, I will not be the cheery waitress serving a sundae. And I hope I won't be balancing plates on my head for heaven's sake. I will be this woman. I will just be doing my job the best I can and trying to make ends meet. But, in my mind I will be this woman:

Oh yes, I will be Flo. I might even keep my tips in my cleavage.

Ok, maybe not.


Her Highness Andromeda the Fluffy said...

I would lean towards option one...but that's just me. Sure, a commute would be super stressful (I drive an hour to work right now) but if the job is good it could be worth it. I would be a terrible waitress, maybe that's why I wouldn't do it. I think it would be horribly stressful. Then again, I guess it's not that different from being a librarian...both jobs have high contact with the public. At least librarians don't have to roll silverware.

When I have to make a big decision, I make a list of pros and cons for each option and see which one scores higher. All the same, you are familiar with your current job, and you seem to love it, so that's what I would chose. Just sayin.'

Anonymous said...

Maybe if you do your hair like Flo the tips will be bigger! You will get it all worked out eventually. I like what Robert Frost said about hard times:

"The best way out is always through."

Lauri said...

Thanks, ladies.
Whitney, its not really an issue do which do I choose so much as will my boss even let me stay. Right now it's looking like no. I dont' blame them. They fought long and hard to get a full time YA person and if I go to part time that will make the town think they don't have to fund YA stuff as much. You know?
As to waitressing and librarianship, it can be similar, but you don't get as dirty or as tired in a library. You also get more respect in a library. But, I was a really very good waitress. You know I am very social and not as shy as you.
I would totally do the Flo hair if I could. I would need my mom here though. She can do a boufaunt like no body's business!